Suicide Squad

Margot Robbie Wants to Play Harley Quinn “Forever”

Margot Robbie reveals she wants to play Harley Quinn forever. Suicide Squad is one of the most popular summer movies in history. In fact, the super...

Did China Just Ban ‘Suicide Squad’ from Theaters?

'Suicide Squad' maybe a hit in the box office. But, for the folks in China they won't probably be able to go see it. The...

Did Bad Movie Review Help ‘Suicide Squad’?

Box Office Suicide Squad - Did bad movie reviews help Suicide Squad? Suicide Squad is on track to have a record breaking opening weekend even though critics...

‘Suicide Squad’s Director Used “Manipulation” Tactics on His Cast

David Ayer used "manipulation" tactics on the cast of Suicide Squad Every time we find out more about what filming Suicide Squad was like, it sounds more like...

Why Zack Snyder Directed a Piece of ‘Suicide Squad’

Did you know Batman v. Superman director, Zack Snyder, also directed a scene in Suicide Squad? Zack Snyder, who worked as an executive producer on the...


George Lucas Questions The Use Of Practical Sets In Other Directors’ Films

Key Takeaways: - Famous director George Lucas expresses concern about...

Exploring the Emotional Landscape: Review of Pixar’s ‘Inside Out 2’

Key Takeaways: - 'Inside Out 2' provides fun and heartwarming...

How Cowboy Bebop Voice Actor Steve Blum Went from Mailroom to Hollywood Starlight

Key Takeaways: - Steve Blum climbed the ranks from a...

A Peek into Riley’s Teenage Emotions: Inside Out 2 Review

Key Takeaways: - Inside Out 2 captures new emotions as...