Black Lives Matter

TV Cops Donate to Support Black Lives Matter Movement

Following the death of George Floyd and protests across America, TV cops are donating to show their support for the Black Lives Matter movement....

Nike Releases “Don’t Do It” Video Calling for Change and the End to Racism (VIDEO)

Nike released a message across their social media platforms calling for people to take a stand and fight systemic racism and social injustice. The...

TikTok is Donating Millions To Fight Racial Inequality

TikTok donates millions of dollars to support racial equality and Coronavirus. TikTok says a “technical glitch,” which occurred last week, causing videos using #BlackLivesMatter and...

Spike Lee’s New Short Film Connects ‘Do The Right Thing’ with George Floyd

Spike Lee releases a new short film about police brutality after the death of George Floyd  As protests spread across America following the death of...

Why Celebs are Posting Black Squares on Instagram Today

Here's why people are sharing black squares on social media today. Your social media timeline may have changed. On Tuesday, instead of selfies and memes,...


Now Casting: Recent Graduates

Now Casting Call: Recent Graduates in Florida. Casting directors are...

“WEAPONS” Atlanta Casting Call for Shoppers

"WEAPONS" Atlanta Casting Call for Shoppers in Georgia. Casting directors...

Tyler Perry Studios Movie Casting Call for a Laundramat Scene

Tyler Perry Studios Movie Casting Call for a Laundramat...

$5,800+ Samsung Commercial Casting Call for Boy Skateboarders

$5,800+ Samsung Commercial Casting Call for Boy Skateboarders in...