Home Entertainment News ‘The Walking Dead’ Creator Reveals His Plans for the Series Ending

‘The Walking Dead’ Creator Reveals His Plans for the Series Ending


Creator explains that he knows exactly how the series will end.

The Walking Dead is a one of the most TV shows. But, just like the  ‘Game of Thrones' the storyline is based on an unfinished by a author. So, it begs the question? How will ‘The Walking Dead' end? Luckily for us the creator, Robert Kirkman has an idea.

George R.R. revealed last month that he knows how the Game of Thrones will end, saying that several fans how already guessed the ending to the series. According to an interview with EW, Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman says he also has a specific ending in mind for The Walking Dead series. But, he has no idea when that will happen.

While Kirkman is not sure how many Walking Dead comics he has left in store, he did share one interesting nugget: He knows how it will end. “I do know what I'm building toward, yes,” confirms Kirkman. “I don't know exactly what issue that's going to fall on, per se, and I do have a lot of road laid out before that that is going to take a long time, but I certainly know exactly what I'm building to.”

Kirkman explains that he wants to create a large and massive storyline before the book comes to an end. He continues:

“From the very beginning I would always plot these big, long overarching stories. So it'd be like, oh, they're going to get to the , then this is going to happen and then that's going to happen and that's going to happen. I wouldn't really map out how many issues those were going to take, but I would always make sure that I had somewhere between two and ten years of story mapped out ahead of me. About a year or two ago, I finally nailed down exactly what I want the ending to be.”

Fingers crossed for ‘The Walking Dead' to not end like ‘'. One thing we don't need is to find out that it was all a dream or they were zombies the entire time.


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