Home Entertainment News STUDY: Women Don’t Like Guys With Beards

STUDY: Women Don’t Like Guys With Beards


New Tinder finds don't like guys with beards.

Ever since hipster culture and became popular, beards have become a fashion staple for guys across the country. But, a new study may have everyone rushing to the bathroom to shave their facial hair.

In collaboration with Tinder, Gillette conducted a study to determine whether or not bearded guys got more action than their clean-shaven contemporaries. And the results are pretty surprising.

The study followed 100,000 anonymous, -age male Tinder users and discovered 74% of “right swiipes” went to men who had no facial hair. In addition, the guys with no beards had a 37 percent more at finding a “match” then their hairier peers.

Tinder Beards

And if you are still not convinced, the study went even further by asking bearded men to continue using Tinder as they normally would for another seven days. In the following week, the men were asked to shave their faces and upload a photo of their new appearance, which increased their “right swipes” on an average of 19 percent.

In addition, Tinder and Gillette took the before-and-after of the men and asked 284 college women which look they found more attractive. In the end, a whopping 91 percent said they preferred clean shaven guys.

The results challenge previous that found men with heavy facial hair more attractive to women. But maybe trends are changing, as more and more women are finding beards unattractive and boring. Whatever the reason, just remember, that you are more likely to find love if you are clean shaven than having a full lumberjack beard. And if you're an , you probably want to stop by Wal-Mart and pick up a new razor to land more . It's just a thought.


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