Home Uncategorized Jurassic World 4 Casting Call: Scarlett Johansson’s Possibly Cast

Jurassic World 4 Casting Call: Scarlett Johansson’s Possibly Cast

Scarlett Johannson Marriage Story
Los Angeles, CA - November 05, 2019: Scarlett Johansson attends the Premiere of Netflix's "Marriage Story"at DGA Theater (Editorial credit: Ovidiu Hrubaru / Shutterstock.com)

Famous actress , renowned for her role as Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), could be eyeing a role in the 4. However, the reason for her probable association with the blockbuster franchise has left fans disheartened.

Key Takeaways:

– Scarlett Johansson might join Jurassic World 4 due to a declining blockbuster streak.
– Her potential circling around this project could present an opportunity to bounce back as a leading .
– A lack of original content and exhaustion of superhero genre may be the driving factors behind her move.
– Following the resolution of her lawsuit with Disney, which claimed losses due to dual screening of Black Widow, Johansson's future industry impact remains uncertain.

Scarlett Johansson's Blockbuster Journey

Johansson's journey with the MCU started with her impressive performance in Iron Man 2 back in 2010. Since then, her portrayal of Black Widow has captivated audience worldwide, solidifying her place in the realm of blockbuster success.

However, according to insider Jeff Sneider, Johansson may be in need of another blockbuster hit given the falling popularity of certain franchises and limited mega franchises left to explore. During a podcast interview, Sneider revealed her recent discussion with Gareth and Frank Marshall about an uncertain movie project.

Scarlett's Search for a New Blockbuster

The combination of a lack of compelling alongside the growing fatigue around superhero movies could push Johansson to consider new horizons like a Steven Spielberg production. Both Sneider and fans are speculating that Jurassic World 4 could offer the blockbuster status Johansson is seeking.

Sneider also touched upon Johansson's past blockbuster successes like , setting high expectations for her role in any upcoming mega-franchise. He praised her versatile action-star abilities and speculated that the collaboration with Jurassic World's director could aid her resurgence as a leading star, while also presenting for pursuing or smaller .

Johansson's Lawsuit against Disney

Prior to these discussions, 2021 saw Scarlett Johansson in the headlines for a legal battle with entertainment giant Disney. Johansson alleged that the dual release of her standalone superhero film, Black Widow, on streaming platforms and in theatres led to significant financial losses, projected at more than $50 million.

Disney dismissed these allegations, which resulted in a heated exchange of accusations ending in what Johansson's lawyer termed a misogynistic attack. The lawsuit was ultimately settled before reaching trial. Speaking to The Hollywood , Johansson expressed hope that the lawsuit would pave the way for positive changes within the film industry.

What Lies Ahead for Scarlett Johansson?

Though the lawsuit reached a resolution a few years back, industry onlookers and fans are keenly anticipating its potential impact on the film industry. As for Scarlett Johansson herself, her possible inclusion in Jurassic World 4 and future career decisions remain uncertain. Yet, whatever her choice, it'll undoubtedly be influenced by her desire to maintain her status as a leading star in the global film industry.



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