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California, United States

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Amy is a mature actress who has performed in over 30 shorts, episodics and features. She has played outlandish characters as well as everyday people. Some of her favorite roles include a televangelist preacher, an overprotective mother and a detective on the trail of a serial killer. Not only does she have a BA in theatrical arts, but she has trained with some of the best teachers in Los Angles including Ian Grey and Matthew Barry. Amy is an upbeat, optimistic individual who loves being on set and plays well with others. Amy is also a prolific writer and artist.

Additional Info

Gender: female

Ethnicity: White

Height: 5'8"

Body Type: Curvy

Weight: 199.00 lbs

Interests: Theater, Film, TV & Video, Commercials, Modeling, Influencer


A Place Among the Dead

Juliet Landau



Nick Vallelonga


The Bunker

Diq Diamond


A Home Called Hunger

Diq Diamond


Video Reel