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“Tokyo Vice: HBO’s Trailblazer for Filming in Japan’s Real Locations”


In what could be a turning point for Hollywood film production in Japan, HBO's show “” has notably had a successful stint its second season in Tokyo, despite the country's notorious reputation for being unfriendly terrain for foreign productions. season, featuring Ansel Elgort and Ken Watanabe and filmed during the COVID-19 pandemic, followed the journey of an American working with a seasoned Tokyo detective to tackle the city's yakuza-driven criminality. Mirroring the neo-noir genre, “Tokyo Vice” garnered positive feedback for its distinctive storytelling.

Key Takeaways:

– Tokyo Vice, one of a few American shows filmed in Tokyo, navigated Japan's well-known bureaucratic filming restrictions and stringent approval process.
– The show's creator indicates the locals' perceptions have evolved since the first season's airing, making the second season's filming smoother.
– Despite past challenges for foreign productions in Japan, Tokyo Vice's success could set a precedent for future Hollywood projects.
– A shift in local attitudes, enhanced relationships with communities, and being recognized as the Ambassador for Tourism by the Tokyo Governor were instrumental in attaining on-location filming approval.

Navigating Filming Hurdles in Japan

Commencing shooting in March 2020, “Tokyo Vice” had to halt production due to the pandemic and resumed only in November. The filming of the show's second season brought the back to Tokyo. Dealing with Japan's bureaucratic processes was challenging, according to the head of the Fifth Season production house, as the country presents a different world for filmmaking.

Japanese filming permissions rely heavily on local precedents and police departments' willingness, which haven't been known for their cooperation with foreign . However, showrunner Alan Poul revealed that the filming became easier with the second season as locals viewed the show positively and trusted the crew more.

Opening Doors to Future Filming in Japan

The successful filming of “Tokyo Vice's” second season signals a potential shift in Japan's film . The locals' changed perspective and the crew's improved relationships with communities helped in filming challenging sequences in real locations. The Governor of Tokyo even recognized Poul as the Ambassador for Tourism.

Navigating Japan's Historical Filming Challenges

Recognizing the difficulty in obtaining local shooting permits has been a historical challenge for Western in Japan. Ridley Scott's “Black Rain” provided a stark example, with the production having to leave Japan and finish filming in . Even Poul was reportedly involved in this project and experienced the hurdles encountered.

Settings in Japan, such as the one for “Bullet Train,” were replicated in LA, with sound stages emulating such elements as the Shinkansen. The use of virtual production volume engines were implemented for background filming due to the difficulties of shooting in Japan.

The success of Tokyo Vice in navigating these challenges is not just a victory for the show but could also stand as a road opener for future foreign productions wishing to film in Japan. A new era in filmmaking may be on the horizon, all thanks to Tokyo Vice's successful journey through Japan's cultural landscape.



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