Home Entertainment News Paramount Reveals Future Plans for “Star Trek” Movies

Paramount Reveals Future Plans for “Star Trek” Movies

Russia, Kazan May 28, 2019: the logo of the brand "Paramount Pictures" on the phone screen - Image (Editorial credit: Allmy / Shutterstock.com)

After an eight-year hiatus, paramount is amplifying efforts to bring a new Star Trek film to the theaters. The hiatus represents the longest gap between releases since the franchise's inauguration in 1979. Though several potential Star Trek movies were on the cards during these years, they were either pulled off or became stuck in development.

Key Takeaways:
– Paramount aims to rejuvenate the Star Trek movie franchise with a definite plan.
– Several Star Trek movies are currently under development.
– The next release will be Star Trek: Section 31, an offshoot of Star Trek: Discovery.
– A final chapter for the J.J. Abrams and a set decades before the 2009 movie are in works.

The Road Ahead for Star Trek Movies

In a recent interaction, Trevor Roth, COO at Roddenberry , ensured that Paramount has a plan in progress. “Paramount intends to work out the movie aspect of Star Trek. Their goal is to roll out a new movie in the near future,” he said.

Roth continued, “We want to do it right. Yet, practical issues come in the way. often why certain things aren't happening. However, there's a lot happening behind the scenes, making things trickier than assumed. We are reaching there and are eager about the plans. The studio recognizes and feels the need for a fresh Star Trek film.”

Buzz Around the Next Releases

Several Star Trek films are reportedly in development. Included amongst them is Star Trek 4, slated to the closing chapter for the J.J. Abrams crew. Another film under development is a prequel set decades before the 2009 Star Trek movie. Toby Haynes, acclaimed for his work on Star Wars: Andor, will be this venture.

Interestingly, the next Star Trek release would not be any of the above-mentioned films. It will be Star Trek: Section 31. This release is a derivative of Star Trek: Discovery and features Michelle Yeoh in the role of Philippa Georgiou. Currently under production, this film is slated for exclusive release on Paramount+.

Given this scenario, it is evident that Paramount is keen on reinvigorating the Star Trek movie . Despite unforeseen delays and setbacks, it is evident from Roth's comments that the studio is gearing towards the franchise's full-fledged return to the big screen.

While it is to be skeptical about the pace of progress, Roth's comments indicate a strong commitment by Paramount to revitalize the franchise. Hopefully, this will lead to a much-anticipated Star Trek movie release in the foreseeable future.

Till then, fans can only wait, hope, and stay tuned for updates. All said and done, the possibility of a new Star Trek film, after a sizeable gap, is no less than an exciting prospect for the franchise's devoted fanbase. Their patience, however, will be the ultimate test as the Paramount team works behind the scenes to warp the Star Trek universe back into the cinemas.



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