Home Entertainment News Marvel Initially Considered Casting Dwayne Johnson or Will Smith as Captain America

Marvel Initially Considered Casting Dwayne Johnson or Will Smith as Captain America

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 23: Will Smith attends the 70th Anniversary during the 70th annual Cannes Film Festival on May 23, 2017 in Cannes, France. (Andrea Raffin / Shutterstock.com)

Key Takeaways:

– Filmmaker Jeff Wadlow's initial pitch for Captain America included Dwayne Johnson or Will Smith in the lead role.
– His vision deviated from the conventional image of the , which Marvel executives rejected.
– Despite Wadlow's rejected pitch, continue to dream about Johnson and Smith playing MCU .

The Journey of Captain America

Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) fans know Chris Evans as the embodiment of Captain America since the 2011 . His commendable performance gained global applause. The , despite his initial skepticism, reprised his role in sequels within the MCU. However, a revelation by filmmaker Jeff Wadlow suggests the character's origin might have looked starkly different.

Wadlow's Alternate Captain America Vision After Iron Man's Success

Inspired by Iron Man's grand success in 2008, screenwriter and filmmaker Jeff Wadlow pitched a vision for a Captain America movie. Remembering his interaction with Marvel executives, he said, “I came up with a ‘Captain America' pitch … needless to say, I think my pitch was too far afield from their intentions.”

Wadlow's concept included a significant reimagining of the iconic superhero. He wanted to challenge the conventional image of a blue-eyed, blonde-haired character. However, his vision met with skepticism.

Dwayne Johnson Jungle Cruise
– April 8, 2017: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson attends the premiere of “The Fate Of The Furious” at Radio City Hall on April 8, 2017, in New York. (JStone / Shutterstock.com)

Proposing Dwayne Johnson or Will Smith as Steve Rogers

Wadlow argued that Captain America's character shouldn't necessarily stick to the conventional blonde, white man depiction. He termed it as “an Aryan idea.” His pitch envisaged a more diverse representation on screen. The filmmaker proposed casting either Dwayne ‘The Rock' Johnson or Will Smith as Steve Rogers.

“Captain America should look like Will Smith or this wrestler named The Rock,” he stated, highlighting his intent to bring an ethnic change to the character.

However, the Marvel studio decided to stick with the more traditional depiction of the comic book character.

Chris Evans – the Unanimous Choice for Captain America

Despite Wadlow's innovative pitch, Marvel chose Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely's vision for Captain America. The studio, consequently, selected Chris Evans as Avenger in the MCU. He personified the character's role for almost a decade.

Possibilities of Johnson and Smith for Future MCU Roles

Fans continue to speculate about Johnson and Smith potentially joining the MCU. Even though they haven't managed to make it into the MCU yet, both A-listers have successfully assorted into the DC superhero universe. Smith portrayed Floyd Lawton, also known as Deadshot, in the 2016 DC film Suicide Squad. On the other hand, Johnson made a significant impact with his titular anti-hero role in the 2022 film Black Adam.

Nevertheless, the possibility of Johnson and Smith appearing in the MCU cannot be ruled out. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is known for its unpredictability, and a reversal of casting norms might just be on the cards.

While the turnaround on the casting hasn't happened yet, the notion has certainly stirred an engaging dialogue among fans. With its existing and future projects, Marvel continues to provoke thought and influence social narratives.

The Captain America film series, characterized by Chris Evans' memorable portrayal, is available to stream on +. The potential recasting of Captain America with Dwayne Johnson or Will Smith can be an exciting prospect that continues to intrigue fans till this day.



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