Home Entertainment News Celebrities Jennifer Lawrence Reveals Her “Crazy” Night with Emma Stone

Jennifer Lawrence Reveals Her “Crazy” Night with Emma Stone


Jennifer Lawrence reveals intimate details about her as an actress and 20-year-old

With the anticipation for the new : Apocalypse  is expected to be released next month, is starting to make her promotional movie tour around the country.

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Her first interview started with Harper's Bazaar, where the Hunger Games actress discussed her sex life, her equal pay essay for 's newsletter, and how she doesn't “really stay out late”. And that's when things got interesting…

“It's hard to get me out, and when I do go out I don't really stay out late. If I do stay out late and I'm partying hard, I will throw up. I don't have the tolerance to black out; I just start puking. Ask Emma Stone. It was we saw Adele in L.A. She just started rubbing my back. She was really sweet. I was like, ‘Get out of here. It's so gross.'” Add to that party compadre .

“Woody cut his foot. He stayed over in one of my guest bedrooms, but that's where I started puking. I broke a candle because I can't just puke like a normal person — I flay my arms everywhere. And I didn't clean it up because I'm an asshole. The next day he cut his foot open. I was like, ‘F*ck, am I going to get sued?' And he's like, ‘Are you going to ask if I'm okay?'” She sips her tea. “That night got crazy.” (Via)

Jennifer Lawrence is just like any other 25-year-old partying and puking like everyone else. However, unlike most 25-year-old she has a real issue with body types and body images and will speak out about what matters to her.

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“I would like us to make a new normal-body type,” she says. “Everybody says, ‘We love that there is somebody with a normal body!' And I'm like, ‘I don't feel like I have a normal body.' I do Pilates every day. I eat, but I work out a lot more than a normal person. I think we've gotten so used to underweight that when you are a normal weight it's like, ‘Oh, my God, she's curvy.' Which is crazy. The bare minimum, just for me, would be to up the ante. At least so I don't feel like the fattest one.” (Via)

Jennifer Lawrence's charisma, charm and personality allows for her to become and remain as one 's most treasured talents. Her down to earth personality and ability to relate to nearly anyone has helped the actress transcend from B-rated straight to DVD to hit thrillers. Even if she does puke like a wild woman.

Related: Jennifer Lawrence Donates Millions to a Children's Hospital

What do you think of Jennifer Lawrence's wild night with Emma Stone? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!

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