Home Videos ‘True Story’ Movie Trailer Starring James Franco and Jonah Hill is Amazing

‘True Story’ Movie Trailer Starring James Franco and Jonah Hill is Amazing


Watch the new ‘' movie starring James Franco and Jonah Hill

If you are upset that you are no longer be able to see James Franco‘s acting skills in The Interview, the thriller, True Story may quench your thirst. True Story is directed by Rupert Goold, the Sundance series follows James Franco engaging in a completely different direction than his traditional comedic acting.

James Franco plays Christian Longo, a man wanted for mudering his . He goes on the run and assumes the identity of  Times  Michael Finkel – to the surprise of the real Michael Finkel, played by Jonah Hill.

The premise of True Story sounds pretty interesting and extremely wild, but as the story suggests, it is based on a true story. Finkel published a memoir about his bizarre encounter with Longo in 2006, and it serves as the source material for the film. The movie was written by David Kajganich and True Story director Rupert Goold.

We posted a casting call for ‘True Story' on Febraury 2013. was for family members at the time of production in New York City.

Check out the movie trailer below:

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