
Louisiana, United States

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Synopsis: A therapists has to listen to the rantings of others daily as he tries to offer advice to their problems. He deals with obnoxious and lack luster people who don’t even know their own self worth whilst also dealing with those who know their downfalls. Even dealing with those who are very innocent and only want everyone to be happy.

Royce, 28-35: M

Appearance: Preferable hairstyle is locs whether it is starters are fully grown. Fit, casual look, African American.
Personality: A male therapist that listens to others’ problems. Traits are blunt, quick-witted, and impatient.

Darius, 20-25: M

Appearance: Heavyset, high school basketball coach build, African American.
Personality: A whiny male whose self-awareness does not reach past the length of his arms. Traits are insecure, arrogant, and oblivious to himself.

Stacey, 23-26: F

Appearance: Busty, fit, athletic, African American.
Personality: A narcissistic woman who believes that everyone is a burden to her and she is perfect. Traits are narcissistic, rude, and unsatisfied.

Edmond, 15-18: M

Appearance: Skinny, skater alternative vibe, African American.
Personality: An emo male who judges those that are normal harshly as he is an outcast. Traits are insecure, self-aware, and intelligence.

Teamada “Te Te”, 5-13: F

Appearance: Innocent looking, African American.
Personality:  An exceptional little girl who only wants everyone to be happy. Traits are intelligence, observance, self-aware, and curiosity.

Company Details
The Frame
Louisiana United States

1 Jobs