Bar Extras Casting Call-1

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All States, United States

Production Type:

TV & Video

Job Type:


Required Skill:


Casting Call: Experienced Male Bartenders

Job Description: We are seeking highly skilled male bartenders to participate in an upcoming production. This opportunity is open to individuals who are registered with Central Casting and are looking for an exciting role in a dynamic setting. The selected candidates will be playing bartenders and should convincingly portray this profession on screen.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Perform as a bartender in various scenes, demonstrating high-level bartending skills.
  • Work closely with the director and crew to fulfill the vision of the scenes.
  • Be available for rehearsals as required by the production team.
  • Maintain professionalism and a high standard of performance throughout the shoot.


  • Union submissions only. Must be registered with Central Casting.
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: Capable of portraying characters in their 20s.
  • Experience: Must possess a high level of bartending skills with significant experience in the field. Please apply only if you are at an advanced skill level.
  • Availability: Must be available on Saturday and Sunday, December 2nd and 3rd for the shoot in Los Angeles.


  • Rate: $219 for an 8-hour day (Rate as per union standards).
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10 Jobs