
Florida, United States

Production Type:


Job Type:


Required Skill:

Acting, Modeling

Casting Call: Four Seasons Hotel Commercial

Job Description: We are seeking talent for an upcoming commercial for the prestigious Four Seasons Hotel. The commercial will showcase a multi-generational family enjoying the luxurious amenities and services provided by the Four Seasons Hotel. We are casting for various roles including grandparents and a young boy. Talent must be comfortable in front of the camera and able to convey warmth and joy.


  1. Grandparents (Male & Female)

    • Age: Mid 50s and up
    • Ethnicity: All ethnicities welcome
    • Characteristics: Warm, inviting, and enjoy portraying leisure and luxury lifestyle scenes.
  2. Boy

    • Age: 6-10 years old
    • Ethnicity: All ethnicities welcome
    • Characteristics: Energetic, playful, and natural in front of the camera.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Participate in a mandatory 2-hour fitting session on May 5th.
  • Engage in a full-day shoot on May 9th.
  • Work cooperatively with directors, photographers, and other talent.
  • Follow directions for multiple scenes both indoor and outdoor.


  • Must have availability on the specified dates for both the fitting and the shoot.
  • Previous acting or modeling experience preferred but not mandatory.
  • Must be comfortable with being filmed and photographed.
  • Legal guardian must accompany minors for the duration of the shoot and fitting.


  • Adults: $5,000 for a full 10-hour shooting day.
  • Kids: $2,300 for a 6-7 hour shooting day.
  • Additional $550 compensation per talent for the mandatory fitting session.

Company Details
Miami Talent Casting
United States
10 Jobs



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