Home Funny 10 Movies That Stole Their Plots From Other Movies

10 Movies That Stole Their Plots From Other Movies


10 that have the same plot and storyline as other movies.

is far from being original. Nowadays movies are reboots, sequels, and remakes of older movies. But, there are certain movies that are basically copies of other movies that came out around the same time, just with different and . Basically, 's the result of competing studios trying to take on the same plot. And it's pretty hilarious when it happens!

ScreenRant 10 “twin” movies that essentially have the same story line with another movie and it's more than you think.

Movies like Deep Impact and Armageddon, Antz and A Bug's , The Prestige and The Illusionist, and so many more are such identical movies it's hard to tell who stole what from whom.

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