Home Casting Calls The Ultimate Open Casting Call for Scrabble Experts

The Ultimate Open Casting Call for Scrabble Experts


In the ever-evolving world of the entertainment industry, a unique opportunity has presented itself to enthusiasts of words, crosswords, and scrabble. Project Casting, an acclaimed online job-seeking platform for the entertainment industry, has put forth an exciting casting call specifically tailored for those with a flair for word-based games and activities. This is your opportunity to apply your talent to the entertainment world and put your skills on display. If you’ve always loved crosswords and scrabble, this opportunity is made for you!

Key Takeaways

– Project Casting’s newest initiative
– Inviting applications from wordsmiths, crossword pros, and scrabble champions
– A competitive environment to test and showcase skills

Find casting calls, auditions, and entertainment careers on Project Casting Now!

Job Details

As per the casting call, Project Casting is on the hunt for individuals who possess an exceptional knack for words, the enigma of puzzles, and the strategic mastery of Scrabble. The candidates are expected to exhibit their skills in a competitive environment, making the experience challenging yet entertaining.

Job Responsibilities

The individuals hired for this project will be tasked with demonstrating their word prowess and puzzle-solving abilities. They will face various challenges that put their wordsmith talents to the test.

– Exhibit proficiency in word-based games
– Employ strategic thinking to gain an advantage in competitions
– Demonstrate knowledge of words and puzzles
– Participate actively and enthusiastically in on-screen competitions


To qualify for this unique opportunity from Project Casting, candidates must meet the following requirements:

– Must be an enthusiast of words, crosswords, and the game of Scrabble.
– Must have proven skills or accomplishments in the relevant areas (previous wins or recognitions in scrabble/crossword contests would be a plus)
– Should be comfortable in front of the camera as recordings may take place in a studio setup.
– Must be willing to face competitive challenges and possess the desire to win.
– Must be above 18 years, as per industry standards.

Compensation Details

The compensation details for the selected wordsmiths are as enticing as the casting call itself. While the exact compensation package would depend on several factors like performance, screen time, and level of involvement, the rewards promise to be attractive.

– Competitive pay for the entertainment industry.
– Potential for exposure and recognition on popular platforms.
– Offers an exceptional opportunity to network within the industry.

In conclusion, this casting call from Project Casting presents an extraordinary opportunity for all wordsmiths, crossword champions, and scrabble enthusiasts to showcase their skills in a unique setting. If you are someone with a passion for words and puzzles, don’t let this opportunity slip. Put your best foot forward and submit your application today.

And remember, your knowledge of words, your ability to solve puzzles, and your strategic approach to scrabble could land you in the limelight, offering incredible exposure and rewards.

So are you ready to bring your ‘A-game’ to Project Casting’s casting call? Let your journey in the entertainment industry begin with a word!

Apply now!



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