Home Casting Calls HBO’s ‘Vice Principals’ Casting Call for Kid, Teen Actors

HBO’s ‘Vice Principals’ Casting Call for Kid, Teen Actors


HBO's ‘Vice Principals' is for kid and teen actors to work on the new TV series filming in South Carolina.

are looking for kids ages 7 to 13 to work on a scene filming on Tuesday, September 1st in Charleston, South Carolina.

The new HBO TV series Vice Principals is looking for actors, , and talent to work as in the upcoming TV series. Vice Principals, comes from the creators of Eastbound & Down, and Jody Hill, and centers around the story a high school and the people who run it.

To audition for a role on the new HBO TV series Vice Principals, check out the details below:

HBO Vice Principals Call

VICE PRINCIPALS (Charleston area) May need 4 kids (ages 7-13 years) available to onTUESDAY 9/1.
Must be 100% available at any time need -as early or late as needed.Should have dress clothes such as those worn to church or funeral.
If already in files -you can send Name, Parent's Name, Age, Phone, City/State you reside.
If not on file yet -please include child's current photo, name, parent's name, age, phone, height/weight, clothing sizes, city/state you reside.
Submissions should be sent to vpbackground@gmail.com with heading TUESDAY KID.

Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.

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