Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf and Jesse Eisenberg Nearly Starred in ‘War Dogs’

Shia LaBeouf nearly starred in War Dogs alongside Jesse Eisenberg. On Friday, War Dogs hit theaters featuring Miles Teller and Jonah Hill. And while the reviews for the movie...

WATCH Shia LaBeouf’s Audition for ‘War Dogs’ [VIDEO]

Check out Shia LaBeouf's audition for War Dogs. War Dogs feature Jonah Hill and Miles Teller as a group of guys who secure a multi-million dollar contract from...

10 Famous Actors Who REFUSED to Promote Their Own Movies [VIDEO]

Here are 10 movie stars who did not agree to promote their own movies. Fans expect to see their favorite actors promote their work with...

Shia LaBeouf’s Parents Saw ‘Honey Boy’ Movie and Found It “Tough to Watch”

Shia LaBeouf's parents found his new movie "Honey Boy" movie was "tough to watch". After premiering at Sundance, Shia LaBeouf’s latest project “Honey Boy” is...

Shia LaBeouf’s John McEnroe Biopic Speaking Role Casting Call

John McEnroe biopic starring Shia LaBeouf is now casting a principal speaking role. Are you looking for your next audition? Well, the casting company behind Rogue...


Why George Lucas Refused to Alter Core Characters for Marketing

Key Takeaways: - George Lucas, creator of Star Wars, refused...

Jeffrey Dean Morgan On Ending ‘The Walking Dead’: A “Complete Surprise”

Key Takeaways: • Jeffrey Dean Morgan speaks about the end...

Kevin Spacey Slams Upcoming Documentary ‘Spacey Unmasked’ as ‘One-Sided”

Key Takeaways: - Kevin Spacey criticises upcoming documentary, 'Spacey Unmasked,'...

Aubrey Plaza Steps in as Executive Producer for ‘Emily The Criminal’ TV Adaptation

Key Takeaways: - A series based on the 2022 Sundance...