Background Actors

Need For Speed Feature Film Casting Call for Race Crew Girlfriends

Casting directors are currently seeking women to work as featured race crew girlfriends in the upcoming feature film "Need for Speed" filming in Macon,...

Love Spider man? ‘The Amazing Spider man 2’ Casting Call Information

Casting directors are currently seeking background actors to work in the upcoming feature film The Amazing Spiderman 2.  The Amazing Spiderman 2 is an upcoming...

‘Careful What You Wish’ For Starring Nick Jonas from the Jonas Brothers Casting Call

Tona B. Dahlquist Casting recently posted the following Casting call for the feature film "Careful What You Wish For" starring Isabel Lucas (Transformers), Dermot Mulroney...

Past Sunrise Feature Film Casting Call for Leading Roles

Morgan Casting recently posted the following Casting Call for the upcoming SAG Feature Film "Past Sunrise" filming in Toronto, Canada and Rio de Janeiro,...

The Historian Feature Film Open Casting Call

Morgan Casting recently posted the following Casting call for the upcoming film "The Historian" filming in Hattiesburg, Mississippi! The Historian Feature Film Open Casting Call   Morgan...


Zazie Beetz Joins Muschietti’s Horror Flick ‘They Will Kill You’ at Nocturna

Key Takeaways: - Director and producer duo, the Muschiettis, have...

Jude Law’s Superman Saga: A Role Not Endorsed by Himself

Key Takeaways: - Jude Law was considered to portray Superman...

One Piece: The Seraphim’s Hidden Weakness Threatens World Government’s Control

Key Takeaways: - The Seraphim, or Pacifista human weapons, are...

An Early Surprise: Shyamalan’s “Trap” Hitting Theatres a Week Sooner

Key Takeaways: - Filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan's film Trap will...