Home Entertainment News How Kumail Nanjiani Got Therapy to Handle Poor Reviews for ‘Eternals’

How Kumail Nanjiani Got Therapy to Handle Poor Reviews for ‘Eternals’


In the immersive world of cinema, critical reviews act as both a propellant and an anchor. They can either push a to new heights of success or sink it into the fathomless abyss of audience disappointment. Although profoundly personal and at the same time universally relatable, coping with criticism is a lifeline that even the most accomplished actors and cling to, and for the phenomenally talented Kumail Nanjiani, this is no different.

As such, Kumail Nanjiani recently presented a bold testament to his vulnerability and courage in the face of criticism. His coping mechanism? An unexpected yet strikingly human means – therapy.

Nanjiani's cinematic venture 's “Eternals” opened to a plethora of reviews, which varied from glowing accolades to scathing criticism. While some lauded the as a daring, bold, and innovative exploration of hitherto uncharted arenas in the genre, others castigated it as haphazard, undirected, and too ambitious for its own good. Indeed, it currently holds the mantle of being the lowest-rated Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movie on Rotten Tomatoes.

In dealing with the bad reviews for “Eternals,” Nanjiani effectively decided to take the bull by its horns. He told Marc Maron on the ‘WTF' podcast that instead of succumbing to the negative aftershock and of audience responses, he leaned into therapy.

Nanjiani's approach to therapy is especially significant in light of the fact that the industry is a arena where every work of art is dissected over and scrutinized to the most minute detail. He expressed how handling unflattering reviews, especially coming from an indomitable stint in “The Big Sick” for which he was widely lauded, was a learning process.

Najiani emphasized that he was not seeking validation, but merely a way to process the jab of criticism, which can be quite a humbling and emotionally traumatic experience. Nanjiani's approach underlines the importance of developing resilience and healthy coping mechanisms in this era of incessant trolling and harsh reviews.

His pursuit of therapy and bearing his truth to the world equips him with the strength and conviction to handle negativity with and dignity. It also reinforces the narrative that taking care of one's mental health is paramount, even as one navigates the choppy waters of Hollywood.

Moreover, the Pakistani-born American comedian's disarmingly authentic approach highlights the struggle actors undergo behind the glamorous screen life. The perusal of therapy demystifies the stigma surrounding mental health and therapy, exemplifying the importance of mental well-being for not just actors but for everyone who is within the sphere of criticism.

Importantly, Nanjiani's journey through traumas and trials, leading him to therapy, does not dilute the cinematic merits of “Eternals.” With its multifaceted ensemble cast, defying the norms of conventional storytelling, showcasing the diversity within superhero narratives, and foregrounding a director of descent, Chloe Zhao, it stands as a touchstone of representation and inclusivity in Hollywood.

In conclusion, handling criticism can be challenging, and at times, brutal. Actors, like any other creative artists, put a colossal amount of effort, time, and introspection into their craft, only to face attacks from critics and the public. However, Kumail Nanjiani's therapeutic journey provides valuable insights into embracing therapy to handle criticism, focusing on mental health maintenance, developing resilience, and the need for a healthy, constructive approach towards criticism.

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