Home Entertainment News Jessica Chastain Bashes Hollywood for Over-Sexualizing Female Super Heroes

Jessica Chastain Bashes Hollywood for Over-Sexualizing Female Super Heroes

Jessica Chastain arriving for the 2013 British Academy Film Awards, at the Royal Opera House, London. 10/02/2013 Picture by: Alexandra Glen

criticizes studio executives for exploiting actresses in superhero movies.

It's no secret that it is extremely tough to be a female actress in . While men find it easier to have a longer acting career than as well as more opportunities to be heroes and villains, meanwhile, most female roles tend to boil down to either becoming a wife or girlfriend, and when you are no longer considered attractive, a mother role.

The limit placed on women in Hollywood is a real sad, and Jessica Chastain is sick of it. Even if women get an opportunity to play the action hero, she is still usually forced to wear a sexually suggestive costume in heels. She explains it pretty clearly in a recent interview with Radio Times:

“If you look at like Elektra and Aeon Flux, the problem that studios have is that they try to make kickass women very sexualised. They have to be in some catsuit. But if you look at the most incredible female roles, like Ripley in , she is a very woman but she's not wearing a lot of make-up. She's in a T-shirt and jeans. What's sexy about her is how capable she is. Same with in Hunger Games – she's not wearing a catsuit, either.”

It's easy to see that Jessica Chastain is not a big fan of modern day costumes for women. She goes on to say that she won't even consider playing a role on a superhero movie unless the character is as interesting as the counterparts. However, Jessica Chastain reveals that Hollywood is changing.

“Studios have misjudged it in the past, and thought audiences weren't interested in seeing a woman in an action role who's a capable, intelligent woman and isn't only leaning on her sex.”

Jessica Chastain has a major leading role in The Martian, which is opening this weekend, where she plays Commander Lewis, the lader of a failed space exploration who is forced to save Matt , the only man left on Mars.

(Via Radio Times)

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What do you think of Jessica Chastain's comments? Do you think it is insulting that women can only be sexually suggestive superheroes? Share with us your thoughts on Jessica Chastain in the comments below!

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