Home Entertainment News Celebrities Director Zack Snyder Reveals Roles Daniel Day-Lewis Turned Down

Director Zack Snyder Reveals Roles Daniel Day-Lewis Turned Down


Esteemed film , Daniel Day-Lewis, known for his fastidious selection of roles, was reportedly considered for major roles in the DC universe films. Despite being one of the most decorated actors in cinema history, the retired English actor turned down roles in these comic book blockbusters.

Key Takeaways:

– Daniel Day-Lewis, three-time Academy Awards winner, reportedly turned down significant roles in DC superhero movies.
– Director Zack Snyder hoped to cast Day-Lewis in his successful film, Man of Steel.
– This wasn't time Day-Lewis was considered for a DC role; he reportedly rejected the portrayal of Batman in Batman Forever.

Daniel Day-Lewis: The Actor Who Said No

Day-Lewis has consistently demonstrated a knack for meticulous role selection throughout his career. He rejected notable roles in films like 1993's Philadelphia and 1994's with the . The acclaimed actor was even approached by Zack Snyder for a role in the prominent DC film, Man of Steel.

Zack Snyder's Connection with Daniel Day-Lewis

Snyder, recognized for his successful films in the DC superhero franchise, initially directed Man of Steel. In the film, made his debut as , a role remembered by . In an interview with MTV News, Snyder confessed he had envisioned Day-Lewis in Man of Steel.

According to the director, “Daniel Day-Lewis can play any part he wants. If Daniel Day-Lewis called you up and said, ‘I want to be in your . So, I want to be Lois Lane.' You'd be, like… ‘Yeah, ok. It's a take I wasn't prepared for, but yes.'”

On further probing about his interaction with Day-Lewis, Snyder confirmed having conversations. “Yes, we did talk. We had hoped that Daniel Day-Lewis would be interested in the movie,” he confessed.

Man of Steel: Success Despite Day-Lewis' Absence

Man of Steel, a reboot of the Superman franchise, was critically acclaimed and commercially successful. Penned by David Goyer and produced by The Dark Knight Trilogy director, Christopher Nolan, the film propelled the DC universe to new heights. While Day-Lewis was envisioned for the role of General Zod, the character was eventually masterfully portrayed by Michael Shannon.

The DC Roles Day-Lewis Rejected

It wasn't a one-time thing for Day-Lewis to reject a significant DC role. Besides General Zod, he was reportedly considered for the role of Batman in the 1995 Batman Forever movie after Michael Keaton stepped down as Bruce Wayne. Not embracing the role, it was Val Kilmer who stepped into Batman's shoes.

Day-Lewis is one of the rare actors in Hollywood who, despite being considered, has never appeared in a comic book movie. This notion reiterates his label as being one of the pickiest actors in the film .

Despite his refusals, Day-Lewis continues to hold a respected position in the industry for his body of work. The dotingly selected roles throughout his career and his distinct contributions have cemented his reputation in cinema history.



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