Home Entertainment News Chris Evans’ Fantastic Four Role Nearly Cost Him Captain America

Chris Evans’ Fantastic Four Role Nearly Cost Him Captain America

Chris Evans
Chris Evans attends the European film premiere of 'Captain America: Civil War' at Vue Westfield on April 26, 2016 in London, England (BAKOUNINE / Shutterstock.com)

Key Takeaways:

– Chris Evans attributes his major breakthrough in the film industry to Marvel’s Fantastic Four movie series.
– His role as the Human Torch in Fantastic Four was a turning point in his life and career.
– However, Evans’ previous Marvel role nearly prohibited him from being cast as Captain America.
– Despite initial reluctance, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige eventually persisted for Evans’ casting in the iconic role.
– You can stream all Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and Fantastic Four films on Disney+.

Boston native Chris Evans is lauded for his exceptional acting prowess today, especially for his iconic role as Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). However, his journey to stardom was not always smooth.

Evans Early Career and Life-changing Breakthrough

Evans’ early years in the film industry were marked by struggle and setbacks. The tides turned in his favor with Marvel’s first Fantastic Four movies. Ironically, his role in these films almost precluded him from being cast as Captain America.

The Fantastic Four, released in 2005, met with lukewarm reviews and currently holds a 28% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Despite the mediocre response and their perceived failure at bringing Marvel’s first family to the silver screen, these films hold a special place in Evans’ heart.

In a conversation with The Hollywood Reporter’s podcast, Evans recounted the joy and relief that came with landing the part of Johnny Storm, aka the Human Torch. Amidst personal struggles, including a recent breakup, the role provided him with an emotional lift he needed. Beyond personal gratification, the film also afforded Evans his “best paycheck,” enabling him to shift gears in his career.

The Role That Almost Cost Evans Captain America

However, Evans’ tenure as Johnny Storm had unintentional ramifications. It threatened his opportunity to play the now-iconic role of Captain America, a part even more prominent and pivotal in the Marvel world.

Evans’ second Marvel superhero character will forever outshine his first, despite his initial fears and hesitations about committing to a franchise. Reflecting on his decision to accept the role, Evans cites it as one of the most rewarding decisions of his life.

Nevertheless, Evans could have missed the chance to wear Captain America’s distinctive blue, white, and red suit, or wield Thor’s hammer. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige voiced initial reservations about casting Evans due to his previous part as Johnny Storm.

The Final Casting Decision and Future MCU Streaming Options

Eventually, after much deliberation and discussions, Feige followed his instincts and reached out to Evans. While Evans did not immediately commit to the role, Feige’s persistence and the actor’s eventual acceptance led to what is widely perceived as one of Marvel Studios’ most successful castings.

MCU fans can relive the entire saga, from Evans’ first appearance in Fantastic Four to his iconic Captain America roles, streaming the entire MCU and Fantastic Four movies on Disney+.

Chris Evans’ journey from a struggling actor to an indelible superhero character teaches perseverance and the potency of making the right decisions. It underscores how one critical career decision can shape an actor’s destiny, even when faced with significant roadblocks. For Evans, his “bad breakup” led to a triumphant union with Marvel, transforming his career and life forever.



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