Home Casting Calls Canada Smart Home Campaign Casting Call for Deaf Talent

Smart Home Campaign Casting Call for Deaf Talent

Model Casting Call
Model Casting Call

alert: Smart home campaign seeks deaf talent in Canada.

Attention, Toronto's vibrant deaf ! An exciting opportunity is knocking at your door. A Smart Home Campaign is for talented individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and possess proficiency in American Sign Language (ASL). Whether you apply alone or with your real partner/spouse, this call is your chance to showcase your skills and be part of an inclusive project celebrating diversity. Read on to learn more about the , compensation, and important dates for this non-union campaign.




Deaf or HOH Individuals with ASL-Fluent Partners/Spouses (Ages 30-40):

If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an ASL-fluent partner/spouse, this role is perfect for you. The campaign seeks individuals proficient in ASL and can effectively communicate with their partner using this beautiful language. Your shared bond and seamless communication will be the highlight of this project.


ASL-Fluent Individuals (Any Gender, Ages 30-40):

Fluency in ASL is the key for this role, regardless of whether you are deaf or hard of hearing. If you possess excellent signing skills and can effectively communicate in ASL, you have an opportunity to join this campaign. Your role will involve portraying the partner to a deaf or HOH individual, showcasing the power of communication and connection.


(Any Gender, Ages 25-35):

The Smart Home Campaign also welcomes individuals with dwarfism, often referred to as Little People. If you fall within the specified age range and identify as a Little Person, this casting call invites you to participate. Your unique presence will add diversity and representation to the project, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity in the campaign.

The selected individuals for the Smart Home Campaign will be compensated with the following rates:

: $75.00 per 2 hours.

Session Fee: $500.00 per 10 hours.

3 Years Digital Buyout Fee: $3000.00 (all inclusive).

3 Years Print Buyout Fee: $4000.00 (all inclusive).

Please note that the buyout fee covers the campaign's duration and includes any necessary edits, versions, or adaptations.

Important Dates:

To be considered for this exciting opportunity, you must be available for the following dates in Toronto:

ZOOM Recall: June 16th (via Zoom).

Wardrobe: June 23rd.

Shoot Date: June 27th or 28th (TBD – the specific day will be confirmed).

If you are a talented individual who is deaf, hard of hearing, fluent in ASL, or a Little Person in the specified age range, don't miss this casting call for the Smart Home Campaign in Toronto. This non-union project aims to showcase the power of communication, connection, and inclusivity by portraying diverse individuals and relationships. Embrace this opportunity to shine, share your unique experiences, and contribute to a campaign that celebrates diversity in smart home technology. Apply now and let your talent make a difference!


Check out the casting call breakdown below to audition for a role in the production.

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Smart Home Campaign Casting Call for Deaf Talent

Seeking these roles: 

Deaf or HOH Individuals who know ASL with a partner/spouse who is also fluent in ASL or Little People for a Smart Home Campaign in Toronto!

We are looking for the following roles:

  • Individuals who are deaf or HOH proficient in ASL, along with his or her partner who knows ASL. You can apply alone or with your real partner/ spouse—ages 30 to 40.
  • Individuals who are fluent in ASL. Any gender. Ages 30 to 40. We are open if you are not deaf or HOH, you will play the role of the partner.
  • Little People. Ages 25 to 35. Any gender.


Compensation is based on per person rate. If selected:

Wardrobe: $75.00/2hrs.

Session Fee: $500.00/10hrs.

3 Years Digital Buyout Fee: $3000.00..(All inclusive).

3 Years Print Buyout Fee: $4000.00.(All inclusive).

Buyout is based on survival of edit and includes all lifts, edits, versions.

Must be available for these dates in Toronto:

ZOOM Recall: June 16th via Zoom.

Wardrobe: June 23rd.

Shoot Date: June 27th or 28th – TBD Which Day needed.

Interested? Apply Now!

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