Home Casting Calls Land a Role in an Upcoming Commercial – Alcohol Brand Casting Call...

Land a Role in an Upcoming Commercial – Alcohol Brand Casting Call Open


Are you keen to showcase your talent and gain exposure? There's an casting call for various roles in a forthcoming alcohol brand commercial. Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to step into the limelight.

 Key Takeaways:

  • The casting is open to all regardless of acting experience.
  • The commercial aims to represent the diversity of real people.
  • Compensation is promised, with a high emphasis on inclusion and diversity.
  • Shooting will take place in Miami within two days in May.

 Unleash Your Acting Talent! 

Casting is your bridge to opportunity whether you are a seasoned actor or a beginner on the lookout for exposure. The platform is now promoting an call for professionals interested in featuring in a commercial for a renowned alcohol brand. 

 A Step Towards Stardom

This alcohol brand has a long-standing reputation for its originality and innovative . Being part of such a commercial can significantly boost your acting career and provide immense exposure. It's your to be noticed and potentially unlock doors to within the acting industry.

 Job Details

Those selected will be part of a two-day shoot happening in Miami in May. The intensive shoot intends to capture the authentic atmosphere and real- moments, which align with the brand's philosophy and values.

 Emphasizing Realism and Diversity 

This alcohol brand is known for building narratives around real people and their lifestyles. It has positioned itself as an inclusive brand, welcoming a broad range of races, sizes, and ages. Hence, the casting call is open to anyone aged 25 years and above, regardless of race, body type, or acting background. 

Job Responsibilities

The chosen candidates will play various roles depicting everyday people enjoying a drink, laughing, and creating memorable moments. These roles aim to encapsulate moments of joy, unity, and connection, all surrounding the use of this specific alcohol brand.

 Requirements for the Role

Contrary to many casting calls, this commercial doesn't require professional acting experience. It's a golden chance even for those who've never set foot on a set before but are eager to give it a try. The only prerequisites are a minimum age of 25 years, a USA residency, and a , charismatic personality that shines on camera.

 Compensation Details 

As a reward for your time and contribution, every selected applicant will receive compensation. The level of reimbursement is not listed explicitly in the job announcement. However, it's important to note compensation will reflect industry standards.


This alcohol brand commercial casting call is a rare chance for anyone interested in gaining acting exposure. If you've been waiting for a sign to finally step up and embrace your acting aspirations, this is it. Apply now and get ready to shine beneath warm Miami lights this May.

Apply now!

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