Home Casting Calls HBO’s “Somebody Somewhere” Open Casting Call

HBO’s “Somebody Somewhere” Open Casting Call


Ready to make your small-screen debut? Well, it's your time to shine as HBO's upcoming series “Somebody Somewhere” is now accepting applications from extras. This is a unique opportunity to be part of a groundbreaking show and to work with some of Hollywood's brightest minds. 

Key Takeaways:

  • “Somebody Somewhere” is seeking extras for various roles.
  • casting calls are open to all ages, races, and genders.
  • Filming is scheduled in the Chicago area.
  • Acting experience is not required.

 Diving Deeper into Somebody Somewhere

“Somebody Somewhere” is a comedy based on the life of Bridget Everett, a comedian, and . It spins a tale of a Kansas native finding her voice and sense of in a city that's far removed from her hometown. With its unique premise and critically acclaimed creators, this series is set to captivate audiences upon release.

So why not consider transitioning from the sideline and emerging under the spotlight? This casting call is your to carve your niche in the .

Roles That Await You

Wake up the thespian in you as “Somebody Somewhere” offers a plethora of roles to play. The casting team seeks:

  • Children and adult extras
  • People who can portray small-town locals, workers, and bar patrons
  • Those who can depict various characters in the Midwest

Regardless of who you are, where you come from, or what's your acting experience, this casting call welcomes you. So, don't hold back your dream of being part of an HBO series, and give this casting call a shot.

Job Details 

The open casting call seeks people of all races, ages, and genders. Being a series set in the Midwest, distinct characters and faces that mirror communities in this region will be a bonus point. However, it is not a prerequisite, so don't feel discouraged if you don't possess these features. Filming will take place in Chicago, so keep that in mind while applying.

Job Responsibilities

As an extra on the set of “Somebody Somewhere,” you're not just an accessory. You will have to:

  • Blend in naturally with the setting
  • Follow instructions from the directors and crew closely
  • Be prompt and professional at all times

While these roles may seem small, they add life to the scenes, providing depth and authenticity to the storyline.


To be an extra, here are some requirements:

  • Must be in Chicago during the filming.
  • Ability to adhere to COVID-19 safety protocols on set.
  • Ability to commit to the filming schedule.
  • Acting experience is a bonus but not necessary as long as you have the passion and drive.

While the opportunity to showcase your and work in a prestigious HBO series sounds tempting, you'll also be compensated for your efforts. The details of the compensation will be provided upon being selected.

Now is the time to take that bold leap. Who knows? This could be your big break. An opportunity to work on an HBO series doesn't come around very often. So wouldn't you rather grab this chance while it's still hot? This isn't just a job – it's a stepping stone to a future filled with glamorous opportunities. Sign up for the casting call today.

Life is too short for missed opportunities. Sign up for the casting call and see where this journey takes you. Whether you're an aspiring for that break or someone who enjoys being in front of the camera, this casting call is for you. Don't miss out on being part of “Somebody Somewhere” — a show set to make waves in the television industry.

Apply now!

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