Home Casting Calls Canada Cannabis Brand Commercial Casting Call

Cannabis Brand Commercial Casting Call


A once-in-a- acting opportunity is calling in the promising avenue of Canada's cannabis industry. Budding actors and models now have the opportunity to feature in a prestigious project – an commercial for a renowned Cannabis brand via the Project platform. Fascinatingly, this commercial is aiming for the nationwide spotlight, assuring broad exposure for the talents selected. This article endeavors to provide comprehensive details about the cannabis brand commercial casting call, including the job details, location, responsibilities, requirements, and .

Key Takeaways:

The Cannabis brand commercial casting call is a unique opportunity for actors and models seeking to break into the mainstream or add a high-profile project to their portfolios. It offers:

1. Nationwide exposure via a well-known Cannabis brand commercial.
2. A competitive compensation package.
3. An open casting call that encourages diversity and inclusivity.
4. The opportunity to work in the vibrant and diverse acting scene of Toronto.

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Job Details:

At its core, this casting call is aimed at sourcing talent for a commercial venture by a renowned Cannabis brand. The project seeks talents of different ages, inviting a broad spectrum of individuals to participate. Notably, the project is open to all genders correlating with a wider of audience grabbing an offer than specific gender-based casting calls.

Job Location:

The production is slated to occur in Canada. Specifically, the project will be housed in Toronto, presenting a significant opportunity for local talent, and offering those from other areas a chance to experience the vibrant and diverse acting scene that Toronto has to offer.

Job Responsibilities:

Those who successfully secure a role in this casting call will have diverse responsibilities. Vital tasks include:

1. Portraying the assigned role genuinely and effectively within the commercial.
2. Adhering strictly to the production schedule.
3. Collaborating effectively with other members, directors, and production staff.
4. Rehearsing, understanding, and implementing directives to adequately depict the brand.

Job Requirements:

This casting call is open to everyone, with no particular acting experience necessary. The only criteria for selection is the individual's ability to depict the of the brand and connect with the target audience. Genuine-ness, adaptability, and a keen knack for acting are essential traits that the brand seeks in the applicants.

The commercial is seeking individuals aged between 25 to 60 years from diverse ethnic backgrounds. This broad demographic reach reflects the inclusivity of the brand and the wide-ranging customer base it caters to.

Compensation Details:

While the casting call is an excellent platform for gaining commercial exposure, it also comes with substantial financial gain. Selected talents will receive $2,500 CAD if featured in the final cut while those featured as stand to earn $500 CAD. This compensation package is quite competitive, reflecting the significant commitment and mainstream exposure that the project offers.

In closing, interested individuals need to apply promptly and effectively to capitalize on this rare opportunity. With the right blend of genuine-ness, charisma, and the ability to connect with a broad customer base, landing the cannabis brand commercial casting call could bring a monumental boost to one's acting career.

Remember to stay updated with , your dependable online job-seeking platform for the industry. Navigate your road to stardom with ample opportunities offered by Project Casting!

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