Home Tips and Advice How-To Guides for Actors How To Self-Tape an Audition Without A Reader

How To Self-Tape an Audition Without A Reader


Learn how to self-tape an audition without a reader.

Auditions are tough and nowadays casting directors are asking actors to self-tape video auditions, which puts pressure on the actor to find someone to read the other character’s lines.

So what does an actor do when they don’t have someone to read lines with them for the video audition? It’s really unprofessional for an actor to play multiple characters in the audition and read the lines back and forth to themselves. So here are a few tips via Reddit on what to do when you have to self-tape an audition without a reader to help you.

Join a Facebook group

I know a few people who sit a laptop on the other side of camera and do it via Skype. There’s a Facebook group, “Actors on Skype” – MyLifeInArt

Record your lines ahead of time

A successful actor friend of mine records the other lines ahead of time and then plays the recording for himself while he performs. It’s tough because you gotta time it right. Give yourself wiggle room but not have any awkward pauses. It may sound unprofessional, but if you nail the scene. Casting director doesn’t give a hoot. Just give them what you got! – ItsMe_RhettJames


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