Home Tips and Advice How-To Guides for Actors Alden Ehrenreich Reveals His Acting Preparation For ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’

Alden Ehrenreich Reveals His Acting Preparation For ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’


Alden Ehrenreich shares some acting tips and how he prepared for Solo: A Star Wars Story.

One of the most difficult challenges for an actor is to take over a popular role from a major actor. That was the biggest challenge for Alden Ehrenreich in Solo: A Star Wars Story, who is playing a character made famous by Harrison Ford in the original Star Wars trilogy.

In a recent interview with ScreenRant, Enrenreich speaks about what Ford told him about playing Han Solo and what he took from watching Ford’s performance in the original movies.

Alden Ehrenreich 2
Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com

It has been clear that Ehrenreich met with Harrison Ford during production. When asked what advice Ford gave him, Ehrenreich reveals, “He said, if anyone asks, tell him I taught you everything you need to know and you’re not allowed to say anything. So that’s the that’s what I keep sticking to.”

Ehrenreich added what it was like preparing to play one of cinema’s most iconic rogues. So how did he prepare to portray Solo? He explains, “I think the main thing was to watch all the originals kind of as early as possible so I could absorb the feeling for the character and I wouldn’t want to list those mannerisms because then it’s like you’re watching, doing the thing, but um, but there was definitely a little stuff, but the main thing was, I think, for it to feel like a person. Like a real person and to have enough of that kind of feel and touch that you believe that he could become that.”


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