Home Tips and Advice 5 Ways Exercise Turns You Into a Better Actor

5 Ways Exercise Turns You Into a Better Actor


Learn how exercising can make you into a wannabe actor into an A-List actor.

Acting is tough. Between acting classes, updating your Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, and actually performing well in front of a camera, actors still have to find the time to make sure they look good in front of the camera. That is why training your body is just as important as training your acting skills.

At the most basic level, as an actor you should start a regular exercise program to keep your body in good shape so that you’ll be healthy enough to attend auditions and play any role you can get. For instance, Chris Pratt (‘Guardians of the Galaxy’)revealed in an interview his worst audition and what he planned to do in the future.

Guardians of the Galaxy
Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com

“When ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ was pitched to me, I said, ‘I don’t think so,’” he tells Esquire magazine for their September cover story. “I just didn’t picture myself getting the role. I didn’t want to go and embarrass myself like I did when I auditioned for ‘G.I. Joe’ a couple of years previously. I went in there, and halfway through I saw the director’s eyes just glaze over. It made sense–I was a little heavy and out of shape. I was not gonna play someone from G.I. Joe. I did not look like a G.I. Joe action figure come to life.”

In addition, you want to consider taking movement classes to help improve the body gestures that are critical to your acting. Learning the art of blocking can teach you how to express yourself without relying on words. On the amazing series, ‘Every Frame a Painting’, the author points out what made Robin Williams such a great actor and it all came down to his movements and blocking.

Also, since action movies are so popular, actors must consider signing up for martial arts classes to learn a new skill which may help you land a particular acting role. For example, if you were ever interested in working on Disney’s ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ franchise, then it may be in your best interest to learn Fencing. Fencing classes can improve your coordination while teaching you how to use a sword for a role that requires a sword fight.

Overall, the camera adds 10 pounds, and without a strong and healthy body, you are cutting yourself short and limiting your chances of becoming an A-List actor. What’s the point of being famous if you’re too sick to enjoy any of it.

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