Home Entertainment News The Coen Brothers Next Movie, ‘Hail Caesar’ Centers on the 1950’s Film...

The Coen Brothers Next Movie, ‘Hail Caesar’ Centers on the 1950’s Film Industry


The Coen Brothers are getting ready for their next movie and it sounds amazing.

MV5BMjAxNjcyNDQxM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzU2NDA0MDE@._V1_SX214_AL_The Coen Brothers are big names in Hollywood. They have produced some of the biggest movies in the industry. Their latest effort, Inside Llewyn Davis was a major hit and was critically acclaimed by critics and actors alike.

Their next major feature film is to center on the 1950’s Hollywood Film Industry. According to Deadline, the new movie entitled Hail Caesar, is a comedic perspective of 1950’s Hollywood. The movie will center on a 1950’s private investigator, Eddie Mannix, who would go above and beyond to spy on movie stars and gather dirt. It is not sure if the movie is based on the former Vice President of MGM, Eddie Mannix who is rumored to have killed George Reeves, a popular actor at the time, for sleeping with Mannix’s wife. The case was later ruled a suicide but, many people have their doubts on the investigation.

Hollywood was a different world in the 1950’s as production companies went above and beyond to protect the images of their actors.

It was not unusual during the time for studios’ internal security to protect their assets to construct and manage the squeaky clean image of their stars. The big stars of the day were under contracts for a certain number of pictures so the powerful studios had their own go-to guys (and sometimes hired outside private investigators) to deep-six scandalous stories, whether it be romantic dalliances, drug use, DUIs, arrests, you name it. For the more serious threats, the fixers used pay-outs, strong-arming, and took care of “problems” (real or perceived) by any means necessary. It was the day of the old Hollywood star system. [Deadline]

This looks like the perfect movie for the Coen Brothers. Murder, mystery, and controversy the three ingredients to an edgy comedy.

Photo Credit: cinemafestival / Shutterstock.com

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