Home Entertainment News Mad about the Cast on ‘50 Shades of Grey’? No worries, Another...

Mad about the Cast on ‘50 Shades of Grey’? No worries, Another Lead Drops Out!


By now most people are aware that the popular book 50 Shades of Grey is in the process of casting their lead actors. Many fans were extremely disappointed to know that a British actor by the name of Charlie Hunnam was cast as the dreamy Christian Grey.

Fans felt that Hunnam could not accurately depict the handsome Christian Grey.

Fans no longer have to worry about Hunnam portraying the ever-so-handsome Christian Grey because he has recently removed himself from the cast.

Yes, that’s right, Hunnam dropped out of the new movie.

Universal Pictures released a statement that said, Hunnam would no longer play Christian Grey due to scheduling conflicts.

Apparently Hunnam’s scheduling conflicts are due to his role on the show, “Sons of Anarchy”. Other individuals have dropped off the cast of “50 Shades of Grey,” due to the nature of the graphic scenes.

Actors were unsure what their family and friends would think of them after they filmed a movie as graphic as this one.

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