Home Entertainment News Hulk Hogan Wants to Be Donald Trump’s Vice President

Hulk Hogan Wants to Be Donald Trump’s Vice President


Hulk Hogan has offered to join Donald Trump’s presidential ticket and plans to change America.

Hulk Hogan is one of the world’s most famous wrestlers, but the wrestler has announced he is considering entering another ring altogether and become Donald Trump’s running mate.

When asked which politician he would most like to face in the wrestling ring, the former WWE athlete replied that rather than fight a politician, he wants to become one.

He told reporters: “I don’t want to be in the ring with any Presidential candidates, I want to be Trump’s running mate.”

Donald Trump
Andrew Cline / Shutterstock.com

Hogan was recently dropped by WWE after a video emerged in which he appeared to use a racial slur to refer to an African American. He has apologized over the incident and denies accusations that he is racist.

Donald Trump is one of the most popular politicians running for the Republic presidential bid for the White House. He prides himself on being “plain talking” and refusing to bow to “political correctness” in America.

In June of this year, TV network NBC announced that they would be ending their business relationship with the entrepreneur after making “derogatory” comments about immigrants.

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