Home Entertainment News Here’s What Actors Are Really Using When Taking Drugs on Movies and...

Here’s What Actors Are Really Using When Taking Drugs on Movies and TV Shows


Here’s what actors actually use when taking drugs in movies.

Have you ever wondered what exactly Al Pacino was putting up his nose in Scarface or what Seth Rogen is actually smoking in all his movies?

Researchers at Upvoted.com asked a Hollywood prop master, Jeff Butcher, just what actors are smoking, drinking and ingesting on set.

According to Butcher, whose credits include Requiem for a Dream and Liam Neeson’s Non-Stop, actual cigarettes were used until new regulations prohibited product placement from Big Tobacco. Nowadays, there are a number of different brands that offer non-addictive herbal cigarettes, such as Honeyrose and Ectasy Cigarettes. There are even companies that offer fake weed, like International Oddities that provided all the bud Seth Rogen and James Franco smoked in Pineapple Express.

As for cocaine, basically any white powder will do. In particular, powdered milk and vitamin B powder.

Heroin is usually implied, but sometimes prop masters will use trick needles that retract when pushed down

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