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Donald Trump Wants to Pay Legal Fees for Supporter Who Sucker-Punched a Protestor

Donald Trump Documentary
Donald Trump Documentary

Donald Trump wants to pay legal fees for his supporter who sucker-punched a protester.

Throughout the Republican primary, Donald Trump’s rallies have gone increasingly violent. In the aftermath of a canceled Chicago event and a protestor rushing toward Trump during an event in Ohio, Donald Trump has made a shift to call these type of people “disrupters” instead of “protesters.” This was clearly evident on Sunday morning’s episode of Meet the Press. 

The difference between the two words may not seem like much. But moderator Chuck Todd looked past that and called out at Trump supporter who sucker-punched a protester in North Carolina. And that’s when Trump admitted he instructed his people to look into paying the man’s legal fees:

“I’m going to look at it. I’m going to see, you know, what was behind this, because it was a strange event. But from what I heard, there was a lot of taunting and a certain finger was placed in the air. Not nice … I’ve actually instructed my people to look into it, yes.”

Despite paying the man’s legal fees, Trump was quick to separate himself from any responsibility for the punch because “I don’t condone violence.”

Todd then called out Donald Trump with a clip of Trump expressing his desire to hit protestors. A little bit later in the episode, Donald Trump threw jabs at Bernie Sanders, whose supporters waved “professionally made” Sanders signs in Chicago, which Many people allege that Bernie Sanders is orchestrating the protests.

But, things for Donald Trump just don’t stop there. On Saturday evening, his Kansas City, Missouri rally ended with lots of pain and suffering as police used pepper spray to disperse crowds of protestors.

Things never seem to surprise me this year.

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