Home Entertainment News 50 Cent Wants Fans to Cancel Their Starz Subscription Now That ‘Power’...

50 Cent Wants Fans to Cancel Their Starz Subscription Now That ‘Power’ Season 4 is Over


50 Cent has not held back his criticism of the Stars network. Never one to bite his tongue, 50 cent has complained publicly about how Starz has treated one of their most popular series on the network. He has even admitted that he leaked a few episodes of the show, a move that caused an increase in viewership and gave the show its most viewers this season, despite running in the same time slot as the hit TV series Game of Thrones.

As Season 4 draws to a close, 50 is back at it again. This time he is urging his fans of the show to cancel their Star subscriptions now that the season is over.

“I don’t think the STARZ network realize your watching POWER because it’s my show,” he said on Instagram. “So take STARZ out of your cable package after you see POWER tonight. Then they will understand I bet.”

It would send a pretty clear message, if Stars nearly 25 million subscribers stopped watching after 50 Cent’s call to action, or just after the show ends for the year. With nearly 16 million Instagram followers, he may just have the influence to create some kind of revolution. That said, time will only tell. 50 says the show will continue on into its seventh season. Season 5 is expected to premiere sometime next summer.

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