Home Casting Calls Major Artist Group Music Video Casting Call for Featured Roles

Major Artist Group Music Video Casting Call for Featured Roles

Atlanta Casting Call
Atlanta Casting Call

Atlanta casting call: Featured roles in major artist group music video in Atlanta, GA.

If you’re an aspiring actress looking for your big break, this might be your chance! A major artist group is currently looking for a Caucasian or Latina actress to play the role of a mom in their upcoming music video. They are specifically looking for someone who is between 35-65 years old, and who is a little heavier in body type.

The casting call will be held in Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday, May 21st, with a call time of 8 am for 8-10 hours. As an actress, you’ll get the opportunity to be featured in a major artist group’s music video, which could potentially lead to even bigger and better opportunities in the future.

But what exactly is a music video, and why is it such a big deal to be featured in one? Well, a music video is a visual representation of a song, and it can often help to bring the artist’s message to life. Music videos have become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks in part to the rise of social media and video-sharing platforms like YouTube and TikTok.

Being featured in a music video can be a huge boost for an aspiring actress’s career. It not only provides exposure to a wider audience, but it can also help to establish the actress’s brand and showcase her talent. Additionally, working on a music video set can be a great learning experience, as it allows the actress to work alongside professionals in the industry and gain valuable insights into the filmmaking process.


So if you’re interested in auditioning for this casting call, be sure to bring your A-game! Dress in appropriate attire that will make you stand out, and be prepared to deliver your lines with confidence and charisma. And most importantly, have fun! This could be your big break, so embrace the opportunity and give it your all.


If you’re chosen for the role, you’ll receive compensation of $200 for your time and talent. But even if you’re not chosen, remember that every audition is a learning experience and a chance to grow as an actress. So keep honing your craft, and who knows? The next casting call could be the one that launches your career to new heights.


How to apply?

Check out the casting call breakdown below to audition for a role in the upcoming production.

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Major Artist Group Music Video Casting Call for Featured Roles

Atlanta casting call for a MAJOR ARTIST GROUP MUSIC VIDEO!

Looking for:

  • 1 Caucasian or Latina Actress
  • Who is 35-65 years old.
  • WHO will be playing a mom must be a little heavier.

Date: Sunday, May 21st

Call time: 8 am for 8-10 hrs

Location: Atlanta, GA

Compensated $200

Interested? Apply Now!

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