Home Casting Calls Get Cast in a Food Brand TV Commercial: Seeking Video Call Extras!

Get Cast in a Food Brand TV Commercial: Seeking Video Call Extras!


Are you an aspiring actor looking for the perfect breakout opportunity? Or maybe you are a seasoned actor looking for a unique and challenging role. Whatever your acting level, we have some excellent news for you. A renowned food brand is conducting a casting call for its forthcoming TV commercial. The casting directors are on the hunt for people who can work as video callers. 

Here’s taking a look at the key takeaways you should pay attention to if you are interested in this job:

Key Takeaways 

  • This opportunity is open for both male and female applicants.
  • Individuals of all sizes and ethnicities are welcome to apply.
  • Submission and audition process would be done through self-taped videos.
  • Those selected will be compensated fairly.

Casting Call for Video Caller Extras

This grand opportunity involves a food brand that is set to film a TV commercial. Video caller extras are now being sought to be featured in this advertisement. Yes, that’s right! You have an incredible chance to be part of a TV commercial, devoid of any geographical boundaries. All it requires is your acting talent and a good camera to record your audition tape. 

The best thing about this opportunity is nothing but its delightful flexibility. After all, everything from submitting your application to auditioning can be done within the cozy corners of your home. All you need is a system with a good camera and internet connection. 

Job Details

The job title is ‘Video Caller Extra’ and the employing brand is a successful and well-known food-centric company looking to create attention-grabbing TV advertisements. Selected individuals will simulate video calls for the TV commercial, thereby adding authentic and personalized elements to the advertisement. 

Job Responsibilities

The role involves acting as a video caller extra in a TV commercial. Responsibilities will largely revolve around appearing in simulated video calls, thereby necessitating the requirement of a good-quality camera. The video recording will need to be echo-free and of excellent clarity.


An ideal candidate for this job is anyone with a flair for acting. There are no particular constraints on size, shape, ethnicity, or gender. This is a truly inclusive opportunity. Acting experience would be an added advantage but is not a compulsory requirement. All applicants should be 18 years or older. 


The fruit of labor here is not just fame but also financial reward. The food brand company promises fair compensation for the selected individuals. It is indeed a great opportunity to earn while doing what you enjoy the most.

Don’t Miss This Chance

In a nutshell, this golden chance is open for all acting enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking to jumpstart your acting world or find an exciting role to enhance your career, no platform could be better. So, why wait while the opportunity is knocking on your door? Get your cameras ready, put your acting hats on, prepare your self-tape, and apply for this exciting role today.

Acting opportunities as refreshing and inclusive as this are rare to come by. Do not hesitate to take the chance when it’s knocking on your door. Showcase your talent and sherbet your chances of grabbing this fantastic opportunity. Hurry, the deadline’s nearing! Who knows? The next face on the TV commercial could be you. 

Remember, every opportunity is a step closer to success in your acting career. And this particular one is no exception. Good luck!

Apply now!

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