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After Fox Deal, Disney Will Control Nearly Half of the Domestic Box Office 


Disney would control nearly half of the box office after the Fox deal.

The upcoming Disney-Fox deal has received anti-trust clearing from the United States Department of Justice, which means that Disney will soon control nearly half of the domestic box office, according to financial analysts. The deal, which is worth over $71 billion, could change box office movies for a company who already owns Lucasfilm, Pixar, and Marvel, all of which have been purchased in the last 12 years. 

If the Fox deal goes through, Disney could become a lot more powerful influencing the movie industry in ways that have never been seen before.

According to a new report, Disney and Fox would control 40% of the 2018 domestic box office. The Disney and Fox deal will not only show how powerful Disney is in the entertainment industry, but it will have an impact on theater chains. The report suggests that Disney could become the “Walmart of Hollywood.” It was already reported last year that Disney was able to argue for a higher portion of movie tickets sold for The Last Jedi, taking home around 65% of ticket revenue in comparison to the traditional 55%. If the Fox deal works out, Disney could arguably do the same for every future movie release.

It is important to note that Disney currently holds the record for the three highest grossing movies in the United States of 2018 with Black Panther ($699.9 million), Infinity War ($675.9 million), and Incredibles 2 ($535.8 million). If the Fox deal works out, they will gain the X-Men franchise, along with Avatar and the Fanatic Four franchises.


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