Morgan Casting

$700/Day Grocery Store Commercial Casting Call

Grocery store commercial casting call for kid actors and talents in Toronto, Canada. Morgan Casting is looking for actors, models, and talent to work on...

Children’s of Mississippi Hospital Commercial Casting Call for Kid Actors

Children's of Mississippi Hospital is now casting kid actors. Looking for a job? Children's of Mississippi hospital is now casting kid actors to work on...

$1600 Commercial Casting Call for Lead Roles in Mississippi

Hospital commercial casting call for lead roles in Mississippi. Morgan Casting is looking for 8 actors, models, and talent to work on a Major hospital...

$2,000/Day Commercial Toronto Casting Call for Lead Roles

Commercial casting call for lead roles in Toronto, Canada. Morgan Casting is now casting real people and professional actors to work on a print campaign...

$4000+ Fried Chicken Commercial Casting Call for Lead Roles

Fried chicken commercial casting call for lead roles in New Orleans, Louisiana. Morgan Casting is now casting talent for a major fried chicken company commercial....


Casting: Models who live in Berkshire County

Casting: Models who live in Berkshire County in Massachusetts. Casting...

$750/Day Magnum Insurance Commercial Casting Call

$750/Day Magnum Insurance Commercial Casting Call in Chicago, Illinois. Casting...

Short Promo Miami Open Casting Call

Short Promo Open Casting Call in Miami, Florida. Casting directors...

Extras Casting Casting Call for Older Male Actors

Extras Casting Casting Call for Older Male Actors in...