Casting Calls$400/Day Artist Video Shoot Atlanta Casting Call

$400/Day Artist Video Shoot Atlanta Casting Call


Unleash your acting talent: Join the artist video shoot casting call in Atlanta, GA.

Exciting news for all the budding actors and creatives in Atlanta! An incredible opportunity has just knocked on the door of your artistic journey. An video shoot for a prominent artist's project calls for your to be a part of something extraordinary. If you're passionate about the entertainment and eager to showcase your acting prowess, look no further. This is your chance to shine.

The stage is set, and the spotlight is waiting for you. The Artist Video Shoot casting call is a golden ticket to alongside a dynamic and creative team that's all about crafting captivating visuals. As a team member, you will be at the heart of transforming the artist's vision into a vivid reality. Your journey will involve:

  1. Leading Role Delight:

Step into the shoes of a lead character and breathe life into their story. The director's cues and scripted lines will guide you as you bring out the character's emotions with authenticity and .

  1. Harmonious Collaboration:

Teamwork makes the dream work. You'll work closely with the director, crew, and fellow cast members to ensure the production process is a seamless symphony of creativity and coordination.

  1. Perfecting Through Rehearsals:

Hone your craft through dedicated rehearsals, where you'll fine-tune your performance under the expert guidance of the director. This is your opportunity to refine your portrayal and make it shine.

  1. Embracing Adaptability:

The world of art is a realm of constant evolution. You'll be open to embracing changes in the script or direction, and your creative input will be valued as you contribute to shaping the final masterpiece.

  1. Professionalism at Its Best:

Maintaining a high level of professionalism is paramount both on and off the set. Adhere to production guidelines and timelines, and let your work ethic and punctuality shine through.

While passion and a burning desire to act are at the core, a few prerequisites will help you take the spotlight with confidence:

  • Proven Acting Skills: Your ability to convey emotions convincingly is your most vital asset.
  • Prior Experience (Preferred): While not mandatory, previous experience in film, , or theater can give you a competitive edge.
  • Versatility: Flexibility to adapt to various and follow directions effectively.
  • Age Bracket: If you're between 18 and 35, the lead role is looking for someone just like you.
  • Availability: Clear your schedule for the shoot date and any necessary rehearsals.
  • Location Convenience: Being local to Atlanta is ideal, but if not, ensure you can manage your transportation and accommodation.

Your talent deserves recognition, and this casting call doesn't just offer the chance to be a part of a creative endeavor; it rewards your dedication too:

  • Lead Role Compensation: A well-deserved $400 awaits you for a 12-hour shoot day, including breaks.
  • A Feast for the Tummy: Craft services will keep you fueled on set, so you can on giving your best performance.
  • Getting There: While transportation expenses won't be covered, the journey to this opportunity is worth every mile.

The casting call for the Artist Video Shoot in Atlanta is your gateway to merging your passion for acting with a real-world artistic endeavor. Be prepared to embark on a journey where creativity knows no bounds, collaboration fuels every moment, and professionalism paves the way for excellence.

If you're ready to take your acting journey to the next level, mark 20th, 2023, on your calendar and seize this golden opportunity. Let your talents shine, your emotions resonate, and your presence captivates the screen. Your journey into the world of artistic expression starts here.

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$400/Day Artist Video Shoot Atlanta Casting Call

We are excited to announce an upcoming video shoot for an Atlanta prominent artist's project. This is a fantastic opportunity for talented individuals to be part of a dynamic and creative team, contributing to creating captivating visuals. If you are passionate about the entertainment industry and ready to showcase your skills, we encourage you to audition for this casting call.

Job Details:

  • Project: Artist Video Shoot
  • Date: August 20th, 2023
  • Location: Atlanta, GA

Job Responsibilities: As a member of the video shoot team, you will play a crucial role in bringing the artist's vision to life. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Lead Role: Embody the character and emotions specified by the director, effectively delivering scripted lines and performing actions as required.
  • Collaboration: Work closely with the director, crew, and fellow cast members to ensure a smooth production process.
  • Rehearsals: Attend rehearsals as scheduled, fine-tuning your performance under the guidance of the director.
  • Adaptability: Be open to adjustments and changes in the script or direction, contributing your creative input when appropriate.
  • Professionalism: Maintain high professionalism on and off set, adhering to production guidelines and timelines.


  • Talent: Demonstrated acting skills and the ability to convey emotions convincingly.
  • Experience: Prior acting experience in film, television, or theater is preferred but optional.
  • Versatility: Capable of adapting to various roles and following directions effectively.
  • Age: 18-35 (Lead Role)
  • Availability: Must be available for the shoot date and any required rehearsals.
  • Location: Local to Atlanta, GA, or able to provide your transportation and accommodation.
  • Professionalism: Excellent work ethic, punctuality, and ability to work collaboratively in a team environment.

Compensation Details:

  • Lead Role Compensation: $400 for a 12-hour shoot day (including breaks).
  • Meals: Craft services will be provided on set.
  • Transportation: No transportation expenses will be covered.

Interested? Apply Now!

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Megan Diane
Hi, I'm Megan Browne, the Head of Partnerships at Project Casting - a job board for the entertainment industry. As Head of Partnerships, I help businesses find the best talent for their influencer campaigns, photo shoots, and film productions. Creating these partnerships has enabled me to help businesses scale and reach their true potential. I'm excited to continue driving growth by connecting people with projects they're passionate about.

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