Entertainment Careers

Taylor Swift’s Generous Donation to Edinburgh Foodbanks and the Swifties’ Role

Pop sensation Taylor Swift puts a shimmering spotlight on local food banks in Edinburgh, causing a wave of support in her wake. On her...

Could Henry Cavill Be the Key to an Elder Scrolls TV Series?

Key takeaways: - Bethesda's Fallout TV series is a hit, sparking questions about more game adaptations. - Many fans are eyeing The Elder Scrolls as the...

Zack Snyder’s New Thrust into Norse Mythology with Two Twilight Of The Gods Episodes

Key Takeaways: - Twilight Of The Gods, a Norse mythology-based series by Zack Snyder and Jay Oliva is set to start streaming on Netflix this...

Space Marine 2 Turns to Fan Film for Authentic Warhammer 40K Experience

Key Takeaways: - For an authentic portrayal of Space Marines in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2, developers drew inspiration from a popular fan-made film, Astartes. -...

Blade Movie Reboot Loses Director Yann Demange, Remains a Marvel Priority

Key Takeaways: • The Marvel Studios reboot of Blade suffers another setback with director Yann Demange's departure. • Despite the exit of two directors, Oscar-winning actor...


Zazie Beetz Joins Muschietti’s Horror Flick ‘They Will Kill You’ at Nocturna

Key Takeaways: - Director and producer duo, the Muschiettis, have...

Jude Law’s Superman Saga: A Role Not Endorsed by Himself

Key Takeaways: - Jude Law was considered to portray Superman...

One Piece: The Seraphim’s Hidden Weakness Threatens World Government’s Control

Key Takeaways: - The Seraphim, or Pacifista human weapons, are...

An Early Surprise: Shyamalan’s “Trap” Hitting Theatres a Week Sooner

Key Takeaways: - Filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan's film Trap will...