Entertainment NewsCan Only Rich-Kid Actors Succeed in Hollywood? A-List Actors Think So

Can Only Rich-Kid Actors Succeed in Hollywood? A-List Actors Think So


Is the Hollywood and acting industry ran by privately educated “rich actors”? Well many A-List actors seem to think so.

According the Herald of Scotland, suggests that if the current trend of rich-kid actors continue to take other aspiring actors jobs, then it would be “damaging for society”.James McAvoy

James McAvoy was a true definition of a “struggling actor”. McAvoy his way through drama school by working in a bakery but, now the actor suggests that privately educated actors are ruining the industry. McAvoy argues that everyone cannot get the same opportunities to in the film industry.

“Whenever we talk about this, we have to be very very clear. There's a lot of posh actors that have been to boarding school and all that who are feeling very embattled, sort of cornered,” he said, adding: “[N]obody has got anything against an actor who is posh and is doing really well.” [via]

McAvoy believes that if this trend continues, the only actors would come from the world's top 1%.

If you are unfamiliar with Britain's elite acting schools, private schools such as Eton and Harrow are among the most and the most expensive.


Here are just a few of Hollywood's A-List actors that attended private elite acting school.

The Eton-educated  (a classmate of Prince William) and Harrow-educated Benedict Cumberbatch, who are both in the running for the best actor Oscar, are perhaps the most telling examples of the dominance of “posh” actors. But there's alsoDominic West (Eton, classmate of Prime Minister David Cameron), (Eton),  (Eton), Henry Cavil (Stowe),Jamie Campbell Bower (Bedales), Tom Hardy (Reed), Matthew Goode (Exeter) and Dan Stevens (Tonbridge), among others.

ottaviaphoto / Shutterstock.com
ottaviaphoto / Shutterstock.com

And it's not just the guys. A whole generation of British are seemingly disproportionately from so-called posh schools, including Rosamund Pike (Badminton), Alice Eve (Bedales), Temple (Bedales), Carey Mulligan (Woldingham), Kate Beckinsale(Godolphin and Latymer), Imogen Poots (Latymer), Emilia Clarke (St Edward's), Emily Blunt (Hurtwood House) and Rebecca Hall(Roedean). [via]

At the end of the day, acting is special. The best actors that make it in Hollywood should be the ones dedicated to the craft and not just because they can afford it.

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Megan Dianehttps://www.projectcasting.com
Hi, I'm Megan Browne, the Head of Partnerships at Project Casting - a job board for the entertainment industry. As Head of Partnerships, I help businesses find the best talent for their influencer campaigns, photo shoots, and film productions. Creating these partnerships has enabled me to help businesses scale and reach their true potential. I'm excited to continue driving growth by connecting people with projects they're passionate about.

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