Home Entertainment News Celebrities Report: Kris Jenner “Deliberately Leaked” Kim Kardashian’s Sex Tape

Report: Kris Jenner “Deliberately Leaked” Kim Kardashian’s Sex Tape

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Kim Kardashian Blackmail

Did Kris Jenner leak Kim Kardashian‘s sex tape?

may have earned a $1 million a minute after releasing an app but, before she was a reality , entrepreneur and Kanye's wife, Kardashian was a F-list celebrity in Hollywood…Until, her “deliberately leaked” Kim Kardashian's sex tape.

According to Page Six, Kris Jenner “deliberately leaked” Kim's sex tape. From Page Six:

He quotes a source in the “adult industry” who said, “A mutual friend of Kim andParis [Hilton] had advised her that if she wanted to achieve fame, a sex tape would be the way to go . . . Kim had discussed the idea of producing a tape with her family beforehand.”

“Kardashian ” author, Ian Halperin claims that Kim signed a contract with Vivid Entertainment in 2007 to leak the sex tape she made with Ray J in 2003. In addition, Halperin claims that a former friend of Kim had told him, He quotes a source in the “adult ” who said, “A mutual friend of Kim andParis [Hilton] had advised her that if she wanted to achieve fame, a sex tape would be the way to go . . . Kim had discussed the idea of producing a tape with her family beforehand.”

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So how did Kim Kardashian's sex tape hit the . Well, according to Page Six's sources:

“I can tell you right now. Kim Kardashian's came out in '07, and she's made millions.”

“A third party brought it to Vivid . . . [We] got in touch with the Kardashian family.” She said they usually explain that it is likely a tape would leak anyway, and the celebrity wouldn't get , “So why not work for us, and we'll make sure that it will not only get out, but that it will be distributed the way you want.” The rep supposedly continued, “You'll get a nice payment for it,” adding, “I can tell you right now. Kim Kardashian's movie came out in '07, and she's made millions.” Kim threatened to sue Vivid and was paid a reported $5 million settlement, but the tape was still released.

Halperin argues, “It is clear that Vivid would not have announced plans to distribute Kim's tape without a clear indication from the family that they would give the go-ahead once they had come to terms on a price.”

You can read the full story on April 19 as Halperin releases his new book here.

What do you think? Did Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner release the video on purpose? Share with us your thoughts on the Kardashian dynasty in the comments below!

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