Home Entertainment News Bryan Cranston Will Star in the ‘Game of Thrones’

Bryan Cranston Will Star in the ‘Game of Thrones’


Bryan Cranston to star in ‘Game of Thrones‘ Season 6.

After weeks of secret negotiations, HBO has announced that Breaking Bad star will make an appearance in the next season of ‘'.

“We've been chasing Bryan for a while”, said a HBO :

He's a very hard man to pin down. One week he's in the teaching indigenous tribes Shakespeare and the next, he's on an archaeological expedition searching for the city of Atlantis. He gets around but we finally caught up with him and sealed the deal.

Bryan Cranston will appear in season six as Sacro Bleur, a mercenary hired to assassinate Jon Snow.

“Sacro doesn't feature in the original but I was very keen to write a role for Bryan.”, said George R.R. :

He's a man of mysterious origins adept at swordsmanship and a real charmer. Bryan complained that he never gets to do any sex scenes so I've written one in which he makes love to a White Walker. I say love, it's more brutal, unbridled lust.

Asked if he had any plans to with any other former members of the Breaking Bad , Martin nodded:

I'm seriously considering getting Dean Norris, the guy who played Hank, to play a Dornish mineral salesman.

It's official, Bryan Cranston will appear in season six of Game of Thrones.

Source: The Studio Exec

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