Home Entertainment News Actor Shia LaBeouf Chases Homeless Man, Yells at Actors, Spits at Police...

Actor Shia LaBeouf Chases Homeless Man, Yells at Actors, Spits at Police Officers


Shia LaBeouf chased a homeless man, yells at , spits at officers and arrested in New York City.

In an video obtained by the New York Post, LaBeouf was seen chasing down a homelessman carrying a McDonalds bag in Time Square, hours later handcuffed and escorted out of the Broadway performance of ‘'.

Prior to being arrested, a witness states that LaBeouf was chasing after a homeless man that was carrying a McDonalds bag.

“He really wanted whatever was in that bag. He had so much . … If there were French fries in the bag, maybe he really wanted to eat them, ” a witness said.

He added, “He was dodging and and yelling, ‘Yo, come on!' …He was on a mission. It was so bizarre.”

The witness, who works in the publishing industry, was walking home from work with his girlfriend around 6:23 p.m., when they spotted the “” actor on Broadway and 49th Street, dodging pedestrians to catch up with the homeless man.

“At first I thought the bum had stolen something from [LaBeouf].. But the bum was responding in almost a joking manner.”

His girlfriend added, “It was like they were playing tag!”

According to reports, the incident occurred three hours before the actor was arrested for smoking inside Studio 54 , slapping actors' butts, and talking back to cops on Thursday night.

Police officers placed him in a holding cell in Midtown Manhattan where he lashed out at officers saying “I'm going to kick your a-. I'm going to kick your ass,” police told reporters. It was also reported that, LaBeouf began rapping from his holding cell saying, “I want to go out. I want to go out.”

A security guard told reporters that LaBeouf started yelling loudly at the actors onstage. Audience members and fellow patrons turned to look at him and the security guard asked him to leave. But, LaBeouf became agitated and started screaming at the guard. “F- you. This is f****** bullsh**. Do you know my life? Do you know who the f*** I am? Do you kno who I am?”

Here's an video of a bystander took of LaBeouf following his release:

The individual who recorded Shia LaBeouf, Carlos later commented on his instagram about the incident:

Shia labeouf giving a shoutout to my sister. It's amazing , how many media outlets reached out to me and my godfather for info on what happened to Shia last night. How do you guys go to sleep at night knowing that you kicked a man while he's down? They were trynna get me to say bad things about him but how can I ? I've mer a lot of celebrities and he's by far the most humble and down to earth guy that I've ever met. You guys make a living off of ruining people's careers and lives and it makes me sick. #shialabeouf#GreatPerson

Shia LaBeouf is being charged with criminal trespass and disorderly conduct after he was being disruptive, smoking and appeared to be intoxicated, according to the NYPD, according to TheWrap.


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