Home Casting Calls California AwesomenessTV ‘Third Wheel’ Casting Call for Principal Roles

AwesomenessTV ‘Third Wheel’ Casting Call for Principal Roles


‘Third Wheel' casting call for lead roles in Los Angeles, California

's AwesomenessTV is now casting principal actors to play dating contestants on the hit web series Third Wheel.  are looking for men and women between the ages of 18 to 25 to work on the upcoming production. Filming will take place on Tuesday.

About Third Wheel:

Ride with Hunter March and Lauren Elizabeth as they host a blind date from inside a car! Watch as singles get to know each other by embarrassing questions and challenges all for the grand prize of getting a second date… or getting left on the side of the street. Third wheeling has never been more fun! [YouTube]

To for a role on AwesomenessTV ‘Third Wheel' , check out the casting call details below.

AwesomenessTV ‘Third Wheel' Casting Call

Casting model type Principal ACTORS for THIRD WHEEL: Ages 18-25, Need 4 Male and 4 Female ACTORS to play dating contestants. All ethnicities.

Please email a tape, wide angle with PLAIN white background. Name, phone number and a special ability or something that makes you unique AND a tell us about “your type” or a date you would to have. Tape must be right around 30-35 seconds. No drop box. Iphone email is perfect. Send to NASHCASTS@gmail.com Subject line: THIRD WHEEL

Even if you have submitted on any of our recent jobs, you absolutely may submit for this. It pays $150/8 Non and works on TUESDAY. Great production company and very fun gig and great tape. Chosen go directly to Producers, no audition!

Thank you,
Sande xo

Please do not apply, if you are not local or if you do not fit the description.

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