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Georgia, United States

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A positive and driven personality, Erica was born and raised in Vermont and moved to the big city after graduating with a BA in Acting/Directing from Castleton University. Some of her highlight roles include The Forgotten (semi-finalist in the Louisiana film festival) and Toast the Ghost with Foley Marra Studios and her most recent, including, Chance at the Plate. Erica has starred in several award-winning short films, such as; They’re Watching, Made in Vermont and The Man on the Phone. She has also starred in several main stage and black box performances, including; Claire in Fuddy Meers, Lucy in Mr. Marmalade and Lady Capulet in Romeo and Juliet. Erica has trained with Foley Marra Studios, Shari Shaw Studios and currently with branding, marketing and audition coach Kent Kasper. Erica grew up in a family restaurant and loves to bake and cook in her free time.

Additional Info

Gender: female

Ethnicity: White

Height: 5'4"

Body Type: Athletic

Weight: 120.00 lbs

Talent Agency: Carolina Talent

Interests: Film, TV & Video, Commercials, Modeling, Theater, Voiceover, Events


Chance at the Plate

J. Soren


You Saw Me

Foley Marra Studios


They're Watching

Cameron Gallagher


Neon Cages

Chris Seager



Luis Hernandez


Made In Vermont

J. Louis Reid & Noni Stewart


The Forgotten

Cameron Gallagher


The Man on The Phone

Cameron Gallagher


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